Sunday, July 20, 2008

Peace Be Still: Prepared and Pampered

For those of you who may of missed our quarterly enrichment meeting in July, here is a snapshot of the meeting.

Many of the sisters enjoyed a visit to the "boutique" where gently used items were available for the sisters to take.

Faces were washed with milk, and concoctions of avocado, egg, oats, strawberries or peaches were blotted of faces for suprisingly refreshing facials.

While the sisters waited for their facials to dry, they watched a short preparedness video prepared by Brother Garmendia, Brother Berry, Brother Granado, and Sister Price.
All enjoyed muffins, bagles, cheese, crackers and spa delicasies while visiting or soaking their feet in honey, a milk mixture or a thyme mixture. Finally, eveyone took home a copy of the film, a washcloth, body puff, headband, preparedness infomation, more love for each other and less stress.

Overall... very peaceful.

We missed all the sisters who were not able to attend, but hope to see them next time. If any of the sisters who were not able to attend would like any of the handouts that were distributed that night about preparedness, recipes for the spa beauty recipes, recipes for homemade cleaners or a list of ideas for cooking without electricity please e-mail me at

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