Sunday, November 2, 2008

November Food Storage Item: SPICES

Benefits of spices:
Because basic food storage could become boring if eaten every day, once you have acquired some basic food storage incorporating spices and flavorings into your storage is important. As suggests, “Spices add vigor, flavor and passion to our recipes. Without spices our food would be bland and would lack the taste and subtle flavors that make eating enjoyable” (

Great spices for storing: (from Josephine Newton, “Spicing Up Your Food Storage,” Ensign, June 1990, 72)
* BOUILLON (beef, chicken or ham) adds new flavor to rice, wheat, barley or any soup or sauce.
*SOY SAUCE adds a saltiness to fried rice or stir-fry
*FLAVOR ENHANCERS: red and black pepper, paprika, turmeric, vinegar, dry or prepared mustard, Tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce
*AROMATIC HERBS used for lifting soups, casseroles, salads, and sauces out of the ordinary include: marjoram, thyme, oregano, dill, basil, and sage
*AROMATIC SEEDS are great on breads and rolls or stirred into salad dressings
*SWEET SPICES (usually added to sweet foods): cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, allspice, and mace
*FLAVORINGS: vanilla, almond, lemon, and maple
*NONTRADITIONAL FLAVORINGS: Cocoa or cocoa mix turns plain milk into a treat; punch powder add variety to water, puddings and pie fillings.

Food Storage Guidelines:
Store spices in tightly closed containers in a dark dry location (not the refrigerator which may be too humid) like a drawer or cabinet. Old spices are less strong and may become bitter. To determine if spices are too old for use: look for color changes, caking, and lack of fresh odor or taste.

Whole spices and herbs--> 1 year
Ground spice--> 6 months
Whole seeds and barks--> 2 years
Ground seeds and barks--> 1 year

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