Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 2: The spirit

One of my nonmember friends asked last week asked how God spoke to me when we were talking about my decision to have a baby. How could I explain the spirit to her? How could I briefly differenciate between how I feel and think and what the spirit leads me to do? I thought about this question as I read the scripture thought of the week D&C 11:12-14) and chapters in 1st Nephi about Lehi's vision. The spirit communicates in many different ways.

Specifically, the verses in D&C 11 suggests what we have to do to get the spirit and what the spirit will do for us in return. Our part? "Trust in the Spirit," have righteous desires, and have "faith believing." In return promises that the spirit will help us to: do good, walk humbly, judge righteously, be enlightened, and to feel joy. Just like in Galatians 5:22-23 which describes the fruits of the spirit to recognize the spirit as you would a tree by its fruit, D&C 11:12-14 identifies fruits to recognize the spirit. These are the versus I used to describe to my friend Cindy the spirit. I'm not sure she completely understood, but it is a start.

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